
3 Easy Ways to Baby-Proof Your Bathroom

As a new parent, you know that keeping your baby safe is your top priority. While many parents focus on baby-proofing their living spaces, it’s important not to overlook the bathroom. The bathroom can be a particularly dangerous place for babies, with its hard surfaces, water, and various chemicals. Here are three ways to baby-proof your bathroom and keep your little one safe.

Secure your toilet

Your baby may be curious and try to play with the toilet, which can be dangerous if they fall in or try to drink the water. To prevent this, install a toilet lock. This will prevent your baby from opening the lid and potentially falling in. You can also consider installing a toilet seat cover to prevent your baby from touching the toilet water or trying to flush the toilet.

Cover sharp edges

Bathroom fixtures like countertops and cabinets may have sharp edges that could injure your baby if they were to fall or bump into them. You can cover these edges with corner guards or edge protectors, which are made of soft materials like foam or rubber. These can be easily installed and removed and will provide an extra layer of protection against bumps and falls.

Store chemicals safely

Bathrooms often contain cleaning products, toiletries, and other chemicals that can be harmful to your baby if ingested. To prevent this, store these products in a high cabinet or shelf that your baby cannot reach. Alternatively, you can install a cabinet lock to prevent your baby from opening the cabinet. Additionally, make sure to keep your baby away from the bathroom while you are cleaning or using these products.

The bathroom can be a dangerous place for babies, but with a few simple precautions, you can make it a safer environment. By securing your toilet, covering sharp edges, and storing chemicals safely, you can help prevent accidents and keep your baby safe. Remember to always supervise your baby in the bathroom and never leave them unattended, even for a moment.

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